Thursday 23 December 2021

The final post of the year.

The end of the year approaches and I thought it was about time for a short, final post for 2021. 

Some of these might (no promises) get a post next year

I set a goal of getting one post per week in 2021 and, helped by a crazy November, certainly hit that target, at least as an average. Did I post about everything I wanted to? No - no reviews of 6th Gen titles, nor much in the way of wargaming posts (aside from books) and the Was That Film Really That Bad series has stalled, although a few of those (including the last two of Wor Paul's Resident Evil movies) should make an appearance early next year. I would like to keep the same frequency of posting into 2022 but a planned return to office working (even if it is only two days a week) will take away 8-10 hours of spare time, so perhaps one per week might be pushing it, and there are other outlets for my writing that were a little neglected as 2021 progressed...

The most obvious being the reviews for RVG. That is something I intend to correct and at least get back into the habit of one review per month. There was also some additional writing which you should hopefully see in print next year and that is an avenue I'd like to continue down - but I'll let you know more as and when things happen.

I hope to have more posts about RISC OS (and possibly alternative computing in general), and (when they have confirmed the date), a trip down to the Wakefield Show. If that does happen, expect a show report with plenty of pictures. The same goes for wargames shows but, just like Wakefield, they are dependent on the Covid situation. Another wait and see for those.

In my first post of 2021, I said I was expecting several Kickstarter backed projects to be delivered within the following 12 months, some of which were delayed. Such is life but I am hopeful that these (and some newly backed projects) will make an appearance in 2022. There will also be more videogames and computing book reviews too as I work my way down the seemingly never-ending wishlist.

There's gaps for more books, and more shelves too!

In any case, I wish to say "Thank you" to each and every reader. This is a small blog, written just for my enjoyment, yet it is heartening to see there is an audience for my witterings. Thank you all very kindly. Have a great festive season and I shall be back to posting again in the new year.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours.. fascinating blog and always something interesting to read, even if it's Eastern European/Japanese/Mongolian popular snacks and confectionery..!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Can't guarantee more exotic snacks but I'm pleased you like the blog :-)

  2. Thank you for the time you put into your blog; I quite enjoy it. Hope you have a wonderful hoilday season.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I hope you'll continue to do so. Apologies for not replying sooner, I was staying far away from the laptop :-)
      I hope your holiday season has, and continues to be, a good one!
